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“The new sun”

Opening July 20th at 7pm.
Exhibition runs until August 31st 2024.
ADDA GALLERY IBIZA Carrer des Caló, 72, 07829 Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Illes Balears, Spain.

ADDA GALLERY invites Cachetejack for their first brand new exhibition in Ibiza.

Cachetejack are Nuria Bellver (1988) and Raquel Fanjul (1988), a duo of illustrators whose feminine and voracious style has conquered the world since 2011. Their universe full of energy, humor and irony can be found in books, magazines, newspapers, fashion, walls and now fabrics.

The exhibition “The New Sun” includes 17 oil works that tell a new way of feeling and observing our surroundings. The works show us moments that we all experience when we dive into summer vacations, taking care of ourselves and enjoying the magnetic connection with nature, fostering a sweet approach to the people around us. Simple moments of happiness.

“The New Sun” tells us that the sun we see is not the same as yesterday, at this very moment there is an awakening, everything new is yet to be discovered and each sunset is unique each day.

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